Server Management

Managing the servers of your own can be time to consume, complex, and costly where the downtime can bring your business at risk for revenue loss and spoil brand trust. We aim to address this by providing Server management services such as Remote Server administration, server security and proactive support services such as proper server monitoring, hardware status reporting and repair, alerting and installation services. We support all major hardware vendors and operating systems and always try to implement the best practices in industry.

Our list of services include

  •   Linux & Windows Server Management
  •   Setup and Configuration of Servers
  •   Security Management and Audits
  •   Performance Monitoring & Fine Tuning of Servers in Real Time
  •   Advice & Support on Data Migration Activities
  •   24x7 Troubleshooting Facilities
  •   Remote Server Management
  •   Server Performance Tuning & Utilization
  •   Server Uptime Monitoring
  •   First Level Diagnostic Support
  •   Storage and Backup Monitoring and Management
  •   Capacity Planning
  •   Storage Administration & Security
  •   Disaster Recovery & Replication Consulting

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Application Monitoring

With our Application monitoring service you gain visibility into the way how web applications behave from end to end allowing you to identify and resolve performance degradation. We provide a third-party application monitoring services that maximizes the end-user experience by the combination of Website uptime monitoring, Full page load and Synthetic Transaction Monitoring and Web Stress Tester. Services include,

Website uptime monitoring

  •   Down to 1 minute monitoring intervals and 2 years historical archive
  •   30+ check locations from all the major markets worldwide
  •   Multiple protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, PING, DNS
  •   Email checks using SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols
  •   Public IP checks using TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols
  •   VoIP checks using SIP protocol
  •   Webpage content checks
  •   Instant failure alerts via email, instant message, Text/SMS or live voice, mobile apps
  •   Detailed daily, weekly, monthly and ad hoc reporting with service level metrics per interval
  •   IPv6 support

Full page load Monitoring

  •   Breakdowns of page loads per components
  •   Load times of all images, CSS, JavaScript, RSS, Flash, frames, etc.
  •   Detailed timelines of each individual request
  •   Alerts when elements of any page don’t load(e.g., "404 error")

Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

  •   User experience simulation from over 30 locations worldwide
  •   Ready to use templates for widely used transactions
  •   Visualization of each individual step’s performance
  •   Detailed diagnostics and drill-downs for performance analysis
  •   Custom thresholds per step’s execution time
  •   Alerts when any application is not performing correctly
  •   Insight into the duration and success of your application workflow
  •   Chrome and Firefox latest version support

Web Stress tester

  •   Up to 2000 connections
  •   Test duration options from 5 to 15 minutes
  •   Smartass reports emailed directly to your inbox

Database Management

Managing data effectively can make a massive difference in how you engage with your customers. Databases need to be optimised, delivering the need 24/7 without any disruption. We provide Data management services that can take off the stress of a business and deliver services that require DBA expertise or a fully managed service.

We have expertise in key database platforms including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and a number of emerging NoSQL platforms such as MongoDB, Cassandra and Couchbase. Our services include,

  •   Database health-check
  •   Database monitoring
  •   Database security
  •   Performance tuning and optimisation
  •   Database upgrades
  •   Backup and disaster recovery planning
  •   Database consolidation

Network Monitoring

Our network monitoring solution can help your business to manage everyday challenges by having the right network monitoring solution in place IT departments can benefit from. We can provide early recognition of hardware issues, detect potential security threats, ensure that the data center is running at the correct temperature, check the business and guest wifi's bandwidth and user experience etc.

Our key services include

  •   Full Network Monitoring: Monitor every aspect of the network; PINGs, traffic, bandwidth, firewalls, routers and switches
  •   Bandwidth Monitoring: Identify potential bandwidth capacity and overloads, and where shortages are happening.
  •   IP Monitoring
  •   Update and Patch Monitoring: Makes sure updates and patch monitoring happens across all operating systems and applications.
  •   WiFi Monitoring: Monitors what is happening across a WiFi network, in terms of devices, load, traffic, signal strength, and last access.

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MCSE boot camps have its supporters and its detractors. Some people do not understand why you should have to spend money on boot camp when you can get the MCSE study materials yourself at a fraction of the camp price. However, who has the willpower to actually sit through a self-imposed MCSE training. who has the willpower to actually sit through a self-imposed MCSE training.

Security Management

We provide managed security services that takes in to account threat detection and 24/7 security monitoring to protect your web site/application/network. Detecting security threats as early as possible is important when your data is at risk and to avoid reputational damage. We provide,

  •   Malware protection and detection
  •   Managed Firewall
  •   Web Application scanning
  •   Continuous assessment of infrastructure
  •   Log Management
  •   Security policy

Cloud Solution

Cloud solutions maximise your security against common risks associated with your systems such as internet failures, theft or fire. We can help you transfer your data and applications in to the cloud and show you how to use it to its full potential. We can advise you on how best to utilise all the cloud has to offer and what systems will work for you. We’ll take into account your budget, company size, future plans and anything else that could affect how you use the cloud and provide you with exactly what you need.

We would choose the best cloud model whether you need a public cloud, private cloud or a hybrid cloud. We specialise in main public cloud providers such as AWS and Azure, and when it comes to private cloud solutions We would build a dedicated cloud environment using technologies suitable for your business in which you will have complete control of the environment.