“Data management is the ingestion, storage, organization, and maintenance of data and effective database management will ensure that the business can access data 24/7 without any disruptions.”

While database management is of importance, a business may not have the capacity or resources to do it themselves. This is where database management services are useful. IT service management providers have the necessary expertise and tools to provide businesses with database administration (DBA) or full managed services.

Teams at ITaffix and similar IT consulting service experts have knowledge of database management platforms like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Couchbase, Cassandra, and MongoDB. Their database management services include database monitoring, health checks, security, upgrades, consolidation, backup and disaster recovery planning, and performance tuning and optimisation.

By partnering with an IT consulting company like ITaffix, businesses can focus on core functions knowing their database management is taken care of by the best in the industry. IT consulting firms have a lot to offer to businesses, which is why their services are so sought after. 

While your choice of IT consulting firms depends on your requirements and budget, there is also a question of which database management platform or DMP is right for your business. This is a unifying platform to collect, organise, and activate first-party, second-party, and third-party audience data from any source and is a vital part of IT service management.

A key benefit of using a database management platform is that you can bring all your data to a single platform, which will give you a unified look at your customers. A DMP can also be used to identify new audiences and customers, with tools and features to discover and target new customer groups.

In addition to this, your business will also benefit from the constant and continuous reporting enabled by a database management platform and you can develop long-term strategies that will help the growth and expansion of your business. 

  1. Relational DBS

When working with IT consulting experts like ITaffix on database management, you will hear about Oracle and MySQL. These are relational database management systems, where data sets are stored in tables with rows and columns where the data is stored as a value of a specific cell.

Relational databases are ideal for handling highly structured data but may not be able to handle unstructured data. They may also be more expensive to set up, but offer users tiered access.

  1. Document store

Couchbase, which is a database management platform ITaffix has expertise in, is a document store or a non-relational database with a flexible schema. IT managed service experts recommend this type of platform for unstructured or semi-structured data, content management, in-depth data analysis, and rapid prototyping.

  1. Key-value store

This type of non-relational platform used in database management is also known as associative array and associates each value with a specific key. A business that is looking for a database that is flexible, can handle a wide array of data types, and is portable can have a key-value store set up through database management services offered by IT managed service experts like ITaffix.

  1. Wide-column

When considering services like database monitoring, you may have come across platforms like Cassandra and HBase. These are wide-column or extensible record stores and use the concept of a keyspace instead of schemas.

This type of database management platform deals with structured and semi-structures data more than other non-relational databases and is more horizontally scalable. It is also easier to explore large sets of data and updating is easier.

  1. Elasticsearch

While the above database management platforms cater to different business needs, the Elasticsearch search engine is worth considering as well. IT consulting service experts describe it as a non-relational, document-based system that is very scalable with flexible schema and fast record retrieval. It also comes with stemming, which is a search feature where the root form of a word is analysed to find relevant records even when another form is used.

However, Elasticsearch is rarely used as a primary database and an IT consulting company would recommend it as an intermediary or supplementary store. Low durability and poor security are its other weaknesses.


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