Online presence has become extremely important to businesses and a website is one way in which a business can boost their brand online. Creating and maintaining a website requires various files and data that can be stored on a server. This is where web hosting services are of use.

Web hosting is an online service that enables an individual or business to publish their website or web application online. A business that does not have the capacity, tools, or resources to do this themselves may use the services of an IT consulting company like ITaffix. Among their range of services are hosting services and the IT managed service experts provide reliable and secure hosting services with remote SSH access, online file management, and various tools.

In terms of server management, ITaffix offers Linux and Windows server management, security management and audits, performance monitoring, and support. Their IT service management makes them a reliable option for IT services and any business looking to improve the speed, efficiency, and security of their online platforms can consider IT consulting service experts like ITaffix.

Whether you are looking for web hosting services or a web hosting package, you may come across WHM and cPanel. While those in the IT industry are familiar with these phrases, business owners may have little to no knowledge about them. Both WHM and cPanel are tools that help users maneuver and take total charge of their web hosting but there is a difference between the two.


cPanel is a control dashboard through which users can manage their web hosting service using a web-based interface. This is a popular dashboard and several IT consulting firms use cPanel in their hosting services.

cPanel helps with creating websites, creating and managing emails, resetting passwords, managing add-on domains and subdomains, setting mail forwards, and uploading and managing files. With cPanel, users can make changes to their website using a graphical interface that does not require technical knowledge.

cPanel is a great control dashboard if you are controlling the administrative tasks yourself, instead of relying on an IT consulting company.  However, web hosting services like those provided by ITaffix are carried out by IT teams that have the expertise and knowledge of the control dashboard and can thus make more use of its features to enhance the websites of their clients.

Web Host Manager (WHM)

Web host manager or WHM is a program that allows administrative access to the backend of cPanel. It gives the user more control and flexibility when managing websites and users can also create and manage multiple cPanels using WHM. This is useful to those with multiple business-oriented or popular sites, mainly due to safety.

With the tools provided by WHM, IT consulting service experts like ITaffix can provide clients with better web hosting and IT service management services. Some of the uses of WHM are the ability to create, delete, and suspend cPanel accounts, manage and monitor sites, check and change the DNS zones of all domains, configure customer support requests through cPanel, and customise hosting and control panels with extensive branding.

Key Differences Between cPanel and Web Host Manager (WHM)

When considering the main differences between cPanel and WHM, IT consulting firms will look at key parameters. In terms of a controller, WHM is used by resellers to manage hosting accounts of their reseller plans, while cPanel is used by the end users under a reseller of a hosting provider.

Looking at access, WHM provides resellers with root level access and cPanel only provides access to web hosting accounts on the server to its users. Users of cPanel can set their own passwords but changes to WHM passwords will result in a change to the cPanel password.

While there are also differences in port numbers, with WHM, IT managed service providers can only add domains and not subdomains, while with cPanel, users can add and remove add-on domains and subdomains.

These are the key differences between cPanel and WHM but it must be understood that they work together. If you are looking for web hosting services that use both tools, ITaffix provides secure WHM Linux Reseller Hosting services with an industry-leading cPanel control panel.


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