A database is defined as an organised collection of structured information stored digitally and controlled by a database management system or DBMS. While most systems use structured query language or SQL, there are also NoSQL databases and several different types of databases.

These include relational databases, distributed databases, NoSQL or non-relational databases, and data warehouses. The best database depends on the organisation and how they use the data that will be stored on the system. Keeping this in mind, these are the top 10 databases preferred by programmers in 2021.

  1. MongoDB 

With millions of users, MongoDB is among the top 10 databases in 2021. It is described as a general purpose, document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers. It is a NoSQL database and uses JSON-like documents, which supports arrays and nested objects as values and allows for flexible and dynamic schemas.

  1. Cassandra

A list of the top 10 databases is not complete without Cassandra, which promises scalability and high availability with no compromise on performance. Database management companies tend to use Cassandra as it is a free and open-source NoSQL database management system that comes with several useful features and benefits, like automatic replication to multiple nodes for fault-tolerance and fundamental architectural choices that guarantee high performance.

  1. Redis

An open source, in-memory data structure store, Redis is used by programmers as a database, cache, and message broker. The system provides data structures like strings, hashes, lists, and sets and has built-in replication, different levels of on-disk persistence, and Lua scripting.

  1. HBase

HBase is an open source, non-relational distributed database that is modelled after Google’s Bigtable and is written in Java. Programmers prefer using HBase when they require random, real-time access to Big Data as the system aims at hosting large tables.

Programmers also prefer using HBase when carrying out services like database monitoring as it has several useful features like linear and modular scalability, automatic and configurable sharding of tables, easy to use Java API, and a query predicate push down via service side filters.

  1. Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Programmers looking for cloud database systems will definitely consider the Microsoft Azure SQL Database in 2021. It is an intelligent, scalable, and relational database service that is built for cloud. The database features are AI-powered and automated, thus optimising performance and durability.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a fully-managed database that is flexible and responsive to serverless computer and Hyperscale storage, which enables the system to rapidly adapt to any requirement changes. It also has layers of protection, built-in controls and intelligent threat detection features.

  1. Amazon Relational Database Service

All it takes is a few clicks for a programmer to set up, operate and scale a rational database in the cloud using the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). It is also cost-efficient, with a resizable capacity and automation of time-consuming administrative tasks.

  1. Google Cloud SQL

The cloud SQL by Google is a fully-managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. With it, programmers can reduce maintenance costs with fully managed relational databases in the cloud and ensure business continuity with a reliable and secure service.

  1. Oracle Database

Programmers show a preference towards Oracle’s product as it has three key deployment options; on-premises, public cloud, and Cloud@Customer. The database can be used to build highly scalable applications and supports different types of data like relational, graph, and structured. 

  1. IBM Db2

This AI-powered database is built for deeper insights and is available on premises and on cloud, thus giving programmers a choice with regard to deployment. With IBM Db2 Database, users can maintain a flexible data foundation on a cost-effective data management system.


SAP HANA is a high-performance in-memory database that is available on premise and in the cloud. Benefits programmers can enjoy by using SAP HANA include scalability, speed and flexibility afforded by a cloud-native solution and the elimination of information silos with a single instance of data.

Given its range of features and benefits, SAP HANA is also among the top 10 databases preferred by programmers in 2021.


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