The availability of and access to IT resources like data depend on various factors and human error, security breaches, malicious attacks and natural disasters can affect the availability of these resources. This would not only mean losing large quantities of valuable data but it could also result in disruptions to business operations.

In order to avoid this, copies of data are made and this is known as a backup. A backup provides a certain level of safety and protection even if the original data cannot be accessed due to database corruption or accidental deletion.

Another solution taken to avoid the loss of availability of IT resources is data recovery. This is the plan and process to re-establish access to applications, data and IT resources after an outage.

Many make the mistake of assuming a backup and disaster recovery are one and the same, but they are two different strategies that are equally important. If you do not have a backup and disaster recovery plan yet, these are four reasons you need to change this immediately.

People make mistakes

Organisations are in the midst of digital transformation, where business functions and operations are being carried out with the use of digital technologies instead of manually. Despite this, the human workforce remains a key element of any organisation and machines cannot fully replace the human resources of a company.

While employees play a vital role in any organisation, they are also likely to make mistakes. An employee may accidentally delete a file, lose laptops or cause damage to storage devices. The company may take measures to reduce these human errors as much as possible but they cannot be eliminated completely.

This is why a backup and disaster recovery plan is important. By implementing the right strategies with the use of IT consulting services, you can ensure human error will not cause any serious disruptions to business operations.

Technical failures

Technology is not free of faults or errors. Internet connections can be unstable and network issues are common around the globe. Hardware needs replacing and software can malfunction as well. However, since our digital infrastructure holds valuable data and applications, any technical failures can come at a cost to the organisation.

This is why IT managed service experts recommend working with reputed service providers who have invested in the right tools and infrastructure to ensure continued functionality despite any technology failing.

Natural disasters

A 2021 report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) states that natural disasters now occur three times more often than they did 50 years ago. These disasters come in the form of floods, drought and storms and can shut down entire cities and regions.

While natural disasters are difficult to predict, it is always better to be prepared. This can be done with a solid backup and disaster recovery plan and, in this day and age, no matter where in the world you are located, it is vital to have a strategy for data recovery following a natural disaster.


While the above reasons highlight the need for a backup and disaster recovery plan, regulations and laws applicable in your area may require you to have a system in place to recover IT resources. These regulations are likely to change from region to region as well as from industry to industry, but may require you to have a data backup plan, disaster recovery plan, and emergency mode operation plan.

Failing to comply with these regulations can result in penalties that your business would definitely want to avoid. If you are not sure of the regulations applicable to you, it is best to talk to an IT service management company, which can provide you with the infrastructure required to protect your IT resources.

Even if there are no regulations that require you to implement data backup and disaster recovery plans, you may realise that your company is seriously lacking in terms of a strategy. If this is the case, it is important to look into the best safety measures that can be implemented as soon as possible.


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