Defined as the tasks and services done on a server in order to manage it, server management consists of monitoring the server and the apps running on the server, updating the server and software installed on it, and setting up and configuration of software and services running on the server.

Server management is used by anyone that owns a server, which includes companies and web developers. Companies often partner with server management services to ensure they have access to experts in the field at a lower cost than an in-house department. Whether you are a web developer studying the area or a company looking to outsource their server management, these are six trends you will see in server management in 2020.

Cloud security

Cloud speeds will only keep increasing in the future and Data as a Service (DaaS) will be made available to a larger user base. It is predicted that next year, 90 percent of large companies will be engaged in revenue generation from DaaS. However, with focus shifting from security concerns about cloud server management to over-reliance on vendor security, the industry is once against focusing on cloud security management and server security solutions.


Outsourcing, where a third party is hired to perform certain services for a company, will continue to grow in popularity. With companies embracing the benefits of outsourcing, 2020 will see Anything as a Service or XaaS moving forward by offering any service as an outsourced service.

Thus services that fall under server management, remote server administration, for instance, could be easily outsourced in 2020.

Multi-cloud or Omni-cloud?

This year, we saw companies make use of multiple Infrastructure as service providers in a mutli-cloud network. However, with increased portability and streamlined connectivity, companies are going from multi-cloud to Omni-cloud. 

It is expected that the largest companies will be making use of all the hyperscalers and some niche server management providers, which will allow them to make use of differentiated services and avoid lock-ins.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a trend predicted for 2020 across fields and industries. Regardless of the area, AI technology is bound to have an even bigger impact in the years to come. Remote server administration and server security solutions will also see the use of AI and Intelligent Software as a Service (SaaS) will play a prominent role in 2020.

AI will be used in server management services like load balancing, while the technology will also be used in spotting server issues. Thus 2020 has a good amount of room for growth in terms of AI.

Whether it is chatbots, inference engine, or predictive analytics, the use of AI in server management is not only unavoidable but will be an important selling point. Thus marketing strategies will have to accommodate Intelligent SaaS, along with edge computing and augmented reality (AR).


With server management platforms like Kubernetes, enterprise server management is seeing a number of changes. Compartmentalisation is also contributing to this, as it encourages greater adaptability by leveraging virtualisation.

Compartmentalisation, which we will definitely be seeing more of in 2020, will make apps more mobile. This means that they can easily function on different architecture.

Kubernetes will continue to change the market dynamic with technology developments and it is being predicted that all cloud infrastructure companies must have a strong Kubernetes proposition to stay competitive in the market.

Security regulations

Data breaches that have already taken place forced the attention of IT professionals and companies to the need for security regulations. While the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a step in the right direction, conversations about server security solutions will continue to happen.

An increase in regulations as well as compliance requirements is expected in 2020 and is thus one of the server management trends predicted for the year.

While there are a number of trends to watch out for in 2020, these are six trends in server management that will have a huge impact on companies. From increased security regulations that will ensure data breaches don’t happen to outsourcing of XaaS or the increased use of AI, these trends will result in great change in the industry in the future.


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